Monday, October 03, 2011


Mental Intensity, a checklist

A large part of the game has nothing to do with execution,
and everything to do with getting our minds in the right place.
This takes energy (hard to focus when you're huffing and puffing)
and foresight (these thoughts don't just happen on their own).

Here's a checklist of things we should be doing. (Additions welcome.)

* know the D (sideline included)

* know the call and think about your role before it happens

* remember to chase swill / play the rebound / run it down

* if you don't know, remember to ask (the D, the call, for help,...)

* call it Up!

* expect the underneath after the initial burst, or some other change of direction

* anticipate: defenders, get yourself into position before the cut happens

* don't ever get beat to the near cone (a mindset)

* be ready for a clever play (no-look pass, no walk-up, no countdown)

* ask your teammates if they're ready before you tap it in

* call your poaches

* use your peripheral vision: handlers, look for poaches; markers, see
what's developing around you

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